



Penang Bridge International Marathon 2013

Date: 17 Nov 2013
Time: 2am
Venue: Queensbay mall, Penang.
Distance: 43km
Record: 5:55hrs


After KL marathon I become lazy a bit in training, sometime I need rest if push too hard.
Forget about training, just done once 20km run a week before PBIM.
Not joining as pacer this year may be dis-selected by organizer due to some debate on 2012(story) , and this year the organizer quite late in reply & arrangement.

Is raining season, running under heavy rain not suitable for all runner at least not for me.
That's why I failed to pace after heavy rain at 30km as PBIM 2010 pacer.
3 days before the race I ran 10mins and stop due to right knee pain, thinking to just aim for a sub 5 hours finishing.

After long way from KL with rented bus, we reached tune hotel as usual after the bib collection at Queensbay mall. The hot sun never show us is still raining season.
Because the race on early of morning 2am, we have to sleep on afternoon the day before & wake up on 11pm take bus to the starting point.

We ate the so call "meal before rest like a pig" at an open air hawker food stall by 15mins walk. I ate prawn mee hun aka hokian mee & some kind of "six taste" dessert drink. some of us can't sleep well in this few hours, but I just fall in quickly after bath.

11:45pm heading to starting point, raining..
12:00am storing my bag "free of charge" at baggage point but feel damn far away.
Chit chat time start and waiting, photo-ing, waiting.. with runner friends.
Q up at starting point, thinking of last year we shake hand with CM Lim Guan Eng in honor as pacer.

Starting the race slow, didn't want to have any injury in this race.
The first 10km is steady with knee pain, the 2nd 10km also.
But after 20km U-turn hip pain coming after knee pain, start walking.
About 23km meet weileng, start back run & pace with her.
Think to walk after 30km but she still running, just follow.
Then she became my motivation to keep running.
Walk in the last few km & finished it together before 6 hours.

Sometime we become an inspiration, sometime we get motivation.
Is good to have someone pacing till the end, I appreciated it whether as a friend or buddy. 

Btw I dislike to complaint but firstly the U-turn is a messy way, I been hit by the runner's hand who run toward me just nothing happen but not sure about others.
Second is the distance makers, not enough cause not every runner got GPS watch to know the distance.
Third is the human traffic from the 21km & 10km runners, is very annoying for marathon runners to avoid that.

Nothing to say more, hopefully PBIM will do better on coming year.
And recovery soon for my injuries. 



从KL租巴士到Queensbay mall拿比赛号码,然后到tune hotel入住。


11:45pm 去着起跑点,雨一直下。。
12:00am 走去很远的存物柜台“免费”存放我的肩包。






Janda Baik Hike

Date: 05 Nov 2013
Time: 8:30am
Venue: Janda Baik, Selangor.
Distance: 10km
Record: 6hrs

Long time didn't do hike, so I totally forget what things to prepare just bring my water bottle, wear short & kampung adidas.

I wake up on 5am, drive to group with Zoey gang.
I like the fresh air in forest, but not the mosquitoes & leech.
Nearly the noon time we reached the peak of janda baik, but there is nothing there just a lot of trees.
Going down is tough, step by step sometimes fall down but luckily no rain.
The way of return always like never ending road, that's is the part I felt suffering. 
Is feel good to hike on this lazy holiday, breath some fresh air, walk & chit chat with friends.

We eat wan tan mee as breakfast in chinese restaurant at Bukit Tinggi, also pack for lunch.
Start the hike around 8:45am after group photos, we passed by few river with chit chat & jokes.
The information I get is a easy hike but after 3km, the hike become very steep & slippery.

In some of the distance, I walk alone & feel it.

From the view can saw the gunung nuang peak from the talk of other hiker.
To calm the hungriness I finished the pack wan tan mee in few minutes. 

If raining I think someone may cry, even one of the girl injured when going down from the peak.

After finished we eat late early dinner at a restaurant call "a restaurant", the food is very nice but too hungry to capture the photos.


2XU Training Run

Date: 03 Nov 2013
Time: 6am
Venue: Padang Merbok, KL.
Distance: 15km
Record: 1:28hrs


sleep on 10pm the day before but still rolling on 12am.
wake up 4:30am group at sze kai's house, little raining.
reached lake garden on  5:30am, rain getting more. walking to padang merbok with whole wet body.
6:09am start the run, is normal route for training but add in 2 huge slope.
run on own pace, pass by yuki & wan tan at bukit tunku slope, trying to run faster.
leg muscles pain after 7km should be injured on last few days, meet wei leng then pace together.
the hoki stadium slope s like dragon back, after a while turn left in the famous tns(bad words) slope up & down 2km, not easy.
after that 3km is no problem, take it easy to the finishing point.

Is after a long time didn't training at double hills, a lot of hardwork training.

4点半起床,到sze kai家汇合,绵绵细雨。
5点半到lake garden,下起密雨,信步走到padang merbok已全身湿透。
以自己的速度跑,在上bukit tunku时越过yuki和wan tan,想试下能跑多快。
7km后大腿肌肉小疼,应该是前几天拉到,遇到wei leng就一起跑。
hoki山斜坡,有点像dragon back,不久就作转入闻名的tns(粗口)斜坡上下2公里,不容易。

好久没跑double hills了,好多苦练的回忆。




Statement from Law Heng Kiang :

The 1st Committee meeting of Penang Bridge International Marathon has decided to hold this marathon at the first bridge.
In view of the recent tragedy happened on the Second Bridge and more important is the safety of the runners.

The Second Bridge company until today still not able to come out a report on the safety of the bridge and the date of completion therefore. We have no choice but to decide earlier to,use first bridge to prepare our logistics.





