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KL-Marathon: In Person Registration Closure Announced
In Person Registration Closure Announced
Please note that as we are almost reaching full capacity for the Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2009., we will only be accepting online registration effective 1 June 2009. Offline / in-person registrations will no longer be accepted beginning 1 June 2009 to ensure that every registration is captured immediately and accurately so as to create a positive experience for participants.
1、元旦時,我們全家一起到歷史博物館參觀「冰馬桶」… 師評:有這樣的東西嗎?我也要去!(兵馬俑)
2、早上起床整裡「遺容」後,我們到學校集合,搭車前往墾丁畢業旅行 師評:不知道你家是哪一家殯儀館?老師一直都不知道…(儀容)
3、昨晚左眼皮跳個不停,當時就覺得那是「胸罩」,果然今天皮夾被扒走了! 師評:孩子,你已經這麼大了嗎?(凶兆)
4、報上說重金屬污染過的牡蠣,可「治」癌… 師評:一字之差,養蚵人家翻身矣! 我是不是該趕快去養牡蠣?會賺到翻哦… (致癌)
5、昨晚我和同學到速食店吃晚餐,我們點了兩個漢堡、「雞份一塊」… 師評:好吃嗎?雞糞?(雞塊一份)
6、星期天準備外出逛街時,匆忙之間不小心給「肛門」夾到,真倒楣!! 師評:老師很好奇──誰的肛門這麼大…?(鋼門)
7、四下無人,不要從背後拍我肩膀,我很容易「受精」… 師評:孩子,我可能是你爸哦…老師記得曾這樣讓很多人「受精」喔!(受驚)
8、逛完花市後,我花錢買下「賤男」,準備帶回家過年。 師評:發音正確一點,「劍蘭」會哭的…
9、我的歷史老師長髮披肩,個子矮小,脾氣不好,有一點點「胸」… 師評:歷史老師要我轉告你「等下上歷史課﹐皮給我繃緊一點。」(兇)
10、我認為自己是個品學兼「憂」的好學生… 師評:你是該憂了──不及格。(優)
11、在「崎嶇坎坷」的人生「康莊大道」上,我們要堅定方向… 師評:此路可繼世界八大奇蹟兵馬俑之後,登上第九大奇蹟。
12、從小就住在我們家隔壁的陳伯伯住家三樓最後面一間廚房不知道為什麼會三不五時地飄來一陣又一陣烹煮紅燒牛肉時所散發出來的濃濃迷人中藥味道… 師評:明天麻煩你一口氣唸完這句給我聽,不准換氣。=========================================================
沒想到我錯了!!!!!!! 這些天兵天將們每個都是未來的棟樑????……節錄一些下來:
3.我最喜歡吃的美食是青菜,青菜中最喜歡吃的美食是白菜,為什麼喜歡吃白 菜呢?因為他是青菜的一種(繞口令嗎?)
4.我最喜歡吃滷肉飯跟貢丸湯,他們對我來說不只是一種美食,而是……兩種美 食。(真是謝謝你的數學教學)
5.我最喜歡吃外婆煮的菜,裡面包含了很多愛心,但是萬一外婆死了我就吃不 到了,所以我要趁外婆還活著的時候,叫他每天煮三餐給我吃。 (這算虐待老人嗎?)
8.我對美食的要求很嚴格,他不能是由一位傷心的廚師做出來的 (連續劇看太多了,孩子)
10.每次媽媽煮完菜我們全家都會歡呼,於是媽媽就走進廚房再做第二道 (原來你家都是一道菜煮完再煮一道…)
11.我很喜歡跟爸爸去逛夜市,因為美食都能讓我感到垂涎三尺,只要我看到那 些食物出現,就會跟爸爸說我要吃這個我要吃那個結果我當然什麼都沒吃到 (好心酸的孩子)
12.我最喜歡吃媽媽煮的菜,跟外面賣的差的可遠呢! (那到底是好吃還是不好吃?)
13.世界上美食很多,其中我最喜歡吃的外國料理是台南擔仔麵 (同學,請問你是哪國人?)
14.生魚片實在是太好吃了,每次一想到我的口水都會緩緩的滴下來… (慢動作嗎?)
15.有一樣食物讓我百吃不厭,那就是雙胞胎,名字聽起來大家一定都會覺得很 奇怪,沒錯,他就是很奇怪(這樣有解釋到嗎?)
殺.. 錯.. 人….
5。題目:又 又
Standard Chartered KL Marathon 1Utama Roadshow
发起人 | |
类型 | |
网络 | Global |
开始时间 | 2009年5月23日 10:00 |
结束时间 | 2009年5月24日 22:00 |
位置 | Ground Floor, High Street (opposite French Connection), 1Utama Shopping Centre (New Wing) |
市/县 | Petaling Jaya, Malaysia |
电话 | 0378433100 |
电子邮件 |
You only have to run for 5 minutes at the speed of 5km/hr. Almost 1,000 people are expected to run and be listed in the Malaysian Book of Records. The Treadmill Challenge is set to last for 24 hours over the course of two days. To sign up, e-mail kl.marathon@sc.com with your name, contact information and a preferred time you would like to run (Challenge is from 10:00am to 10:00pm).
There’s more! Enjoy the giant Marathon quest game, exciting Nintendo Wii video games, a bouncing castle, mesmerising performances from an established school marching band and the ever popular Extreme Malaysia All Stars cheerleaders. And of course, Malaysia’s very own Ultraman, Kannan Muragasan, will be providing training tips.
P/S: i will join this 10am on 23/05, come to have a fun!
SCKLM Injury Prevention clinics
Dear Participants,
Its time all of us look forward for the second running clinic. The second clinic, “Injury Prevention” is designed to help participants be aware of some of the common running injuries that can happen and how to avoid them. The session will be conducted by Dr. Samsudin Osman Cassim, an Orthopaedic Surgeon from Gleneagles Intan Medical Centre, the Official Medical Provider of the Marathon. Elite runner and coach, Mark Williams, will also be on hand to share on some of his past running injuries and how he dealt with it. Runners will also get a chance to do a practice run around Lake Gardens.
Come and join us at these clinics to pick up valuable tips from elite runners, coaches and other industry specialists as they present informative and useful topics at the sessions. Details of the second session are as below:
Date: Sunday, 24 May 2009
Venue: Tapak A, Taman Tasik Perdana (Lake Gardens)
Time: 8.00am-10.00am
Attendance is free but you will need to register beforehand. The clinic will only be able to accommodate a maximum of 200 participants so hurry and email us at: klmarathon@webershandwick.com.
Standard Chartered KL Marathon Team 2009
Standard Chartered KL Marathon Clinics
Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2009 is happy to announce a series of running clinics to be run in partnership with Pacesetters, a well known running club in Malaysia. The clinics are designed for all types of runners and will be conducted as per the following schedule:
April 18: (Beginners Clinic) - Lake Gardens
May 24: Injuries and how to avoid them – Lake Gardens, Tapak A, 8.00AM - 10.00AM
June 14: Getting Ready for the Race Day – Lake Gardens, Tapak A, 8.00 AM - 10.00AM
Registration: Send a email to klmarathon@webershandwick.com
Pacesetters 25th Anniversary Night Run
Dear Fellow members,
For the 25th Anniversary celebration of the Club, we are organizing an inaugural Night Run in Putrajaya especially for Club members to have a leisure run and an enjoyable time with fellow members and their families.
Date : 23rd May 2009, Saturday
Time : 8.30pm
Distance : 5km and 10km
Venue : Palace of Justice Putrajaya
Entry Fee : RM5.00 per person (adult & children 10 years old and
Running bibs will be issued upon receipt of RM5.00 entry fee.
We will start the run at 8.30pm for both distances. After the run, members can look forward to the snacks or rather light supper before your journey back home for a good night sleep.
If you would like to join in the fun and mingle with the members, please make your payment to:
- Exco member Mr SK Goh (Tel: 016 366 9288) or
- Any other Exco members
In order to add variety to the light snacks to be served we would like to appeal to members who are passionate about cooking to contribute a dish or two for this event. Corporations who are interested to sponsor in cash or kind are cordially invited to join hands with the Club to make this event a memorable one. If you are interested to contribute or sponsor, please contact Sook Ying at Tel: 012-2718 173 or email to sookying108@gmail.com.
See you all in Putrajaya and let’s make it a night to remember!!
Rustam Affendi Zaihan
more detail: http://www.pacesetters.com.my/
Race till end of the year 2009
18 Pacesetters 15K Run 17 / 05 / 2009 Padang Merbok, Kuala Lumpur
23 Standard Chartered K.L. Marathon 28 / 06 / 2009 Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur
24 Larian McDonald’s 12 / 07 / 2009 Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur
26 Siemens Run 19 / 07 / 2009 Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur
27 Shape Run 25 / 07 / 2009 Putrajaya
Adidas King of the road 02/08/2009
31 Rat Race 11 / 08 / 2009 Bursa Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur
36 Ekiden Relay 04 / 10 / 2009 Putrajaya
37 Awana Genting Highland Trail Blazer Run 01 / 11 / 2009 Awana Football Field
38 Spastic Jogathon 08 / 11 / 2009 Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur
很多赛事, 爽啊!

Do: Run, baby, run!
By : Anusha K.
Whether you choose to run for fun or race in a marathon, ANUSHA K. has tips for you.
READY! Get set! Go! When was the last time you did that? Err... running I mean. Well, besides helping you to lose weight and give your overall health a boost, running can be fun.
Many shy away from it because of time constraints, injury and lack of confidence. However, once you start running, besides noticing overall improved health, you will be aware of increased mental and physical strength.
Running or completing a marathon is an achievement that any runner would be proud of, what more a non-runner. A marathon not only pushes you to the limit in terms of endurance and fitness levels, it also tries your willpower.
Now, if you’re letting this freak you out, don’t! With a proper training schedule and exercise regime, even a beginner can run a marathon.
The Standard Chartered KL Marathon stays true to its theme “Run Your Race” this June. You can select your desired category from a wide range comprising the Full Marathon, Half Marathon, 10km and the Fun Run (5km).
You can take part in a series of clinics to prepare for the event. The marathon plans to host three clinics in partnership with Pacesetters Malaysia. The clinics are designed for all levels of runners and will cover training, diet and nutrition, dealing with injuries and safety tips.
The first clinic, “Back to Basics”, was held recently at Lake Gardens in Kuala Lumpur. Designed for beginners, it was led by runner and coach Mark Williams. Some of the topics addressed were pacing, hydration, stretching and specific goal-setting, among others.
How do you start?
Even if you do not plan to join the marathon, but would like to start running around your neighbourhood, you should get a full medical examination first. This is to ensure you are physically fit and do not suffer from any health ailments.
Then ask yourself, can I do this?
If you do not have time — make time! Wear the correct apparel and find someone to run with. A partner not only gives you great company, but you could work together to ensure both of you meet your goals such as complete a 5km-run.
Also consider the safety of the vicinity. You do not have to stick to one place. Run around the neighbourhood park on weekdays and the Lake Gardens for the weekend. Don’t wear headphones as these could block out sound and prevent you from being aware of your surroundings. Listen to the chirping birds instead.
Basic training tips
Warming up is crucial as it increases blood flow to the muscles and increases your ability to stretch without injury. Do a warm-up for five to 10 minutes. Stretch (breathe when stretching). Each stretch should last about 30 seconds.
The best time to start running is as early as 5am — 50 per cent of training and long runs should be done during this time. In a week, you should do at least two long runs which are varied in terrain and surface. Make sure you keep to your schedule and try your best not to lapse as it will be harder for you to get back to your usual pace.
“Problems that Malaysian runners face include the humidity and heat. It’s harder to run in scorching heat. Make sure you are well hydrated throughout your run,” said Williams.
The amount of time and effort put in depends on whether you are a beginner or an intermediate runner. Log on to http://www.mcmillanrunning.com for details on the programme that suits you.
Nutritional advice
After running, especially long distance, it’s important to replenish energy as quickly as possible.
Studies have shown that muscles are most receptive to rebuilding glycogen (stored glucose) stores within the first 30 minutes after exercise. If you eat soon after your workout, you can minimise muscle stiffness and soreness.
While you should eat primarily carbohydrates, protein is just as necessary. A good rule of thumb for post-run food is a ratio of 1g of protein to 3g of carbohydrates. Although nutrition bars and sports drinks with added protein are convenient options, while a yoghurt smoothie is a perfect post-run treat, especially in humid weather such as ours.
Here are three basic smoothies as part of your post-workout plan:
Banana Smoothie
• 2 large bananas 4
• 1 cup frozen unsweetened pineapple chunks
• 1 cup ice
• 1 or ½ cup unsweetened pineapple juice
• 1 cup low-fat banana yoghurt
Place bananas, pineapple and ice in a blender or food processor. Add pineapple juice and yoghurt. Puree until smooth. You can replace bananas with mangoes or pineapples; this depends on your nutritional needs and your preference, of course!
Chocolate Cherry Smoothie
• 1 to ½ cup unsweetened frozen pitted cherries
• 1 cup low-fat vanilla milk
• ¼ cup cranberry-raspberry juice
• 1 tbsp chocolate hazelnut spread (Nutella brand)
• ½ cup non-fat vanilla yoghurt
Blend frozen cherries, then add remaining ingredients. Puree until smooth. Serve in a tall glass.
Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie
• 2 cups frozen banana slices, medium sized
• 1 cup frozen pineapple chunks
• 1 cup ice
• 1 or ½ cup vanilla milk
• ¼ cup peanut butter
• ¼ cup vanilla yoghurt
• 2 tbsps honey
Blend frozen fruits and ice. Add remaining ingredients. Puree until smooth. Serve immediately.
Where and when
The next running clinic is on May 24 (on injury prevention) and June 14 (Countdown) at Lake Gardens in Kuala Lumpur.
* Registration for the the Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2009 is open to both Malaysians and foreigners. With RM350,000 allocated in total prize money prize, it’s the biggest international race ever to be held in the country.
Log on to ww.kl-marathon.com for details.
Runner of the Week: Eugene Chan
1. Why do you run?
I run to be healthy and to build my confidence.
2. Who do you run with?
I sometimes run with my buddy Aron and I CARI forum runners but I mostly run alone.
3. How often do you run?
Almost everyday.
4. Where do you run?
I run around my house on weekdays and run in Lake Gardens on weekends.
5. What’s your biggest running accomplishment to date?
Great Eastern Pacesetters 30km (3:06:55).
Thanks for your answers Eugene.
If you'd like to be featured as the Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2009 Runner of the Week on this Facebook page, e-mail your answers to the above questions and picture to klmarathon@webershandwick.
From: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=166736105506&ref=mf
Fri & Sunday Training
Date: 01/05/2009
Time: 5:42am(4hrs40mins)
Location: Dataran Merdeka
Distance: ~39km
Note: done only 39km til bank negara cos whole body tired & leg pain ready. last few KM run & rest & walk, hope not like tis on 628 SCKLM, after sit awhile infront bank negara than walk back to dataran merdeka. I hate hot sun, better run faster in 4hrs than perfect~
next SCKLM test run will be on:
Preparations: self prepare water pouch, power gel 2, 3 pack or banana 2, 3, rm10(if need taxi), mobile phone or mp3(optional), SCKLM route map, enough water.
Sun>NB 15km Test Run & Hillside Training with Carrie
Date: 03/05/2009
Time: 6:30am(2hrs)
Location: Lake Gardens
Distance: ~13km
Note: run with pretty must run slow slow...hehe, actly my leg also pain liao feel not gud. after that go eat breakfast at imbi pasar, feel so tire than sleep like dead t_t
Race on May
17-May-09 New Balance 15km

Venue: Tapak A, Tasik Perdana (same as GE start point)
Time:7 am
Registration Fee:
PACM members : RM35
After (31-03-2009) : RM55
Register Form: