



the book: Inpemenant no contact

this is the book i saw in my office than i borrow from manager, cos this is the 1 chinese book i saw...hehe~

i impress about the draw inside the book, but incident i find a letter inside the last page of that.

the letter is said like this:


so long time not meet u, i like this book n i feel i seem like the boy in the story.

this book i bought few year ago, although this is not english book but the most story told by drawing...

i think the story can touch everyone heart by the draw.

n i like the last page of the book, may be u can check it out.(this make me curios to finish the book)

after all wish you find ur happiness, may be call u 1 day...


the letter meaning is around that, cos the book i return to office ready.

the book story is told me the boy is so missing abt the girl, seem like the genaration is differance ready.

the girl is whole part of the boy's life after they met, but the girl get her director dream in movie.

may be becos of the way is differance so the end of their love is die in silent - like inpemenant no contact.

the boy press his feeling down from face, n waiting waiting waiting hoping the garl's return.

n within the period of waiting, he lost the way... lock himself in the room...

go to club for happy feel but after that he feel that is really 'break out' T_T

even when there meet also like a stranger, the boy feel hurt n didn't dare to meet a new girl...

n the last page of the book is said like 'i wish we can meet again'... mean that he still waiting for her.

i got deep feeling abt that cos i done this before, but of cos i not waiting anymore cos i know life got to going on...

but besides this i discovered that love like libra, a part give more n a part get more...

n the part get more even dun know how much the other give or done many for he/she at the background.

so that in my thinking, no worth i give more n get even nothing. (feel like stupid)

than at the time now, i just able to love myself only. love seem like no practica for me...haha~

