



Eugene_Chan的 Standard Charted Full Marathon 报告

Eugene_Chan的 Standard Charted Full Marathon 报告

日期: 28-06-2009
地点: Dataran Merdeka
开始: 5am
距离: 42km
号码: 1198
时间: 3:59:58(Sub 4hrs)

前一晚11:30am才放工, 回到家已经1:230am, 1:30am才睡.
忘记了手机是silent mode,本来打算3起床,结果睡到4:15am. Aron给了我27个miss call.

到了dataran merdeka就park在路边,天还在下着毛毛雨,到了starting point已经没有一个人了...
来不及做热身,一边跑一边pin号码,pin完号码一边跑一边吃power bar(多谢aron帮我拿).

一路上遇到豪哥,阿文,chaucky,chin kok... 打算是跑完就算了,把40km分成4个10km来跑就感觉比较轻松一点...就像跑4个大圈.


20km - 1:45
30km - 2:50

到了30km就是在茨厂街那边吃了power gel但是速度却慢了一点,有一个klang pacer帅哥和我互割...

最后的5km是最难挨的,跑到raja laut时是3:45左右...
只是想保持平速到终点,但是听到有人在喊RUN! RUN! SUB4!

遇到facebook的chun how聊了一下就一拐一拐地走去拿车.
去bukit aman car park冲凉换衣就去上班了...



Double hills training again

Venue: Double hills, KL.
Date: 20-june-2009
Time Start: 7:32am
Time Finish: 8:52am
Result: 1:20mins
Distance: 10.8km

Run slow slow with Aron today, feel uncomfortable like want vomit and diarrhea becos of the donut ate yesterday night.
At the car park, saw bobby and his cyclist friends.
In the half way, my wish become half true... starting vomit regularly... yer T_T
Than after 1st hill met chooi wan, she is so hard in training... so geng~
After return back to car park, directly run in to toilet...
Never like this when run SCKLM...


Permaisuri lake training

Venue: Permaisuri lake, Cheras.
Date: 15-june-2009
Time Start: 7:25pm
Time Finish: 8:07pm
Result: 42mins
Distance: 8.4km

Is rest day so grab the chance to run, run alone...

Reach there saw yenny running with fren, When I completed 6 laps I chit-chat with her n many uncle there.

They doing warm down, yoga style... I just follow lor.

Actually I want run 15 laps but just take it easy lor.

Average time is 5mins/km, if I can run 42km with this speed than I happy liao...

I need more time to run...


Double hills training

Venue: Lake Gardens, KL.
Date: 13-june-2009
Time Start: 6:23am
Time Finish: 7:20am
Result: 57mins
Distance: 10.8km

I used to run around 1hr for this route above 10 times with friends.

But I run alone today, so I try speed up but at last my leg ankle pain again.

Sportsman cant away from injury, especially when u need to get better result.

One of the reason why I cant finish it with maintaining fast speed may be is I not training regularly.

In the war have a sentence, 'The more u sweat in training, the less u bleed in war'.
Than I can change to, 'The more u sweat in training, the less u injury in race'.

Something we want to get the goal we must have discipline & commitment on what we need to do.
If we dun serious about the thing we doing, the return is unconfirmed result.


Conquer myself

life is full of negative, life is full of amazing...

u can turn back... or u can go on...

may be i not a optimist, but i rather to be a realist...

step by step, predict the hard ending, done the full preparing...

waiting for u...



Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2009 Running Clinic Countdow

Dear Participants,

Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2009 Running Clinic Countdown to Race Day!

As a lead up to the upcoming Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2009 on 28 June 2009, a series of running clinics have been conducted to prepare participants for the big event. They have been conducted in partnership with Pacesetters Malaysia and cover all aspects of Marathon preparation, from training, diet and nutrition to injuries and safety tips.

The last clinic, “Countdown to Race Day” is designed to take runners through their final preparations and training schedules as a lead up to Race Day. The session will be led by elite runners Mark Williams and Shaharudin Hashim,Ultraman Kannan Murugasan, Coaches Yuan Yu Fang and Azizollah Mierzai and Lim Ai Leng, a dietitian from Gleneagles Intan Medical Centre.

Come and join us at these clinics to pick up invaluable tips from elite runners, coaches and other industry specialists as they present informative and useful topics at the sessions.

Please come dressed in appropriate sportswear as you will also have a chance to go on a practice run with the elite runners.

Details of the Clinic are as below:

Date: Sunday, 14 June 2009

Venue: Tapak A, Taman Tasik Perdana (Lake Gardens)

Time: 8.00am-10.00am

Attendance is free but you will need to register beforehand. The clinic will only be able to accommodate a maximum of 200 participants so hurry and email us at (klmarathon@webershandwick.com). Please be sure to include your full name, age, IC number, contact details and your registered race category.

Please RSVP before Thursday, June 11, 2009 by 5p.m.


Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2009 Team


Eugene_Chan的New Balance Klang Pacers Half Marathon 报告

Eugene_Chan的New Balance Klang Pacers Half Marathon 报告

日期: 07-06-2009
地点: Setia Alam Welcome Centre
时间: 6:35am
号码: A058(1hr41mins)

工作到12点,回到家是1点半夜了.:funk: 5点半由家里出发,还真的怕睡迟了.:L

到了setia alam welcome centre, park好车看到chin kok.
在starting point做下warm up, 集合Cari Runner后大家一起喊口号就开始跑了.
不敢跑太快, NB15km跑到脚伤了.用自己的速度跑, 星期五来拿bib时也看了路线. 对于我跑的方式, 最重要是跑完路线, 然后是保持速度,最后才是提高速度冲刺.

前面的5km用来热身, 让脚重新适应因为整个星期工作只练习了一次5km. 还没跑到一半大概7km鼻水和眼泪一直流, 可能空气太冷了,汗水进入眼睛感觉到很咸到流泪, 肚子痛一直想上厕所.:funk:
过了10km后,比较有信心可以完成路线, 途中和一位马来跑友互割. 其实我的速度是保持而他是忽快忽慢. 我发觉他的问题是太费力了, 听他的脚步声就懂他踏地太用力还有双手摇摆也是用了部分的力量. 最后在大概13km时我就飞掉他.

因为急着要上厕所, 就尽量保持速度, 到最后300m时前面已经没有21km的人了,不过还是冲刺直到厕所.;P 时间大概是1小时41分钟,22名.

这次的路程中用交替的方式,有时要快就用前脚掌,下山就用脚跟,一半时间都是用整个脚掌避免脚太痛. 大家一起拍照后我就走了因为还要工作,这次大家都有不错的成绩,等月尾SCKLM再接再厉!:)


Race on June

07-Jun-09 New Balance Klang Pacers 1/2 Marathon 2009


Date : Sunday, 7th June 2009
Time : 6:30 am
Venue : Setia Alam Welcome Centre
Catagory: 21km
Aim : sub 1hr40mins




Date : Sunday, 28 June 2009
Time : 5 am
Venue : Dataran Merdeka Square, Kuala Lumpur
Catagory : 42km
Aim : Sub4hrs

Last Month Training Plan for SCKLM 2009

>15K or 21K
>28warm-up/warm-down -8 * 800M
>28wup/wdn -2(15tempo/4easy)

>28wup/wdn -9 * 800M
>28wup/wdn -4(7t/2e)

>28wup/wdn -8 * 800M
>28wup/wdn -3(9t/2e)

