



Buddy Run - Lake Gardens 10km training

Target: 1 hour LSD training for SCKLM 2009

Date & Time: 28/03/09, 6.15am
Distance: ~10km(65mins)
Route: Lake Gardens – Double Hill – Lake Gardens

Notes: 5mins warm up + 60mins LSD & hillside run + 5mins warm down. This run forget add in adjustable time. Actually the plan is 2 hours LSD but tomorrow got Melawati run 10km so just take easy run.
At start Aron & me following 3 foreign gals, before half way we cut them. Relax run till the end, after we yam cha at car park mamak store.

2 条评论:

  1. Long, slow, distance
    mean train for long time, slow speed, long distance.
